Waterborne solutions

Diseased gerbera

This tool summarizes published research that tests control of plant pathogens and algae using water treatment technologies.

The goal is to help you make informed decisions by providing access to research data. We do not recommend any specific technologies or dosage rates.

Water treatment alone is not likely to control pathogens and algae. Take an integrated approach to disease management, including clean plant material, growing media, and containers; and use of fungicides or biocontrol agents. Avoid overwatering because this creates conditions favorable to many diseases and algae.

The use of trade names in this grower tool is solely for the purpose of providing specific information. UF/IFAS does not guarantee or warranty the products named, and references to them in this grower tool does not signify our approval to the exclusion of other products of suitable composition.

Read and follow all relevant EPA and regulatory restrictions, and always follow label instructions and manufacturer recommendations regarding safe practices for workers, the crop, and the environment. Label information supersedes all other sources of information. Phytotoxicity is likely with water treatment technologies with sufficient dose, and not all crops or pathogens have been tested. Always test any product on a small group of plants for phytotoxicity and efficacy before applying to the entire crop.

Please note:

  • This tool summarizes published research that tests control of plant pathogens and algae using water treatment technologies.
  • The goal is to help you make informed decisions by providing access to research data. We do not recommend any specific technologies or dosage rates.
  • Water treatment alone is not likely to control pathogens and algae. Take an integrated approach to disease management, including clean plant material, growing media, and containers; and use of fungicides or biocontrol agents. Avoid overwatering because this creates conditions favorable to many diseases and algae.

